Quantum Computing
and AI
Innovation Center™
An AURA Technologies Center of Excellence
Quantum Computing and AI Innovation Center™ (QCIC: pronounced “Quick”) is an AURA Technologies Center of Excellence focused on real world applications of quantum computers.
AURA Quantum Computing
Enabling Revolutions.
The goal of QCIC is to enable revolutions in multiple commercial and government sectors. The Center, at heart, is a collaboration of commercial, academic, and government organizations working towards the full and rapid integration of quantum computing as the technology matures in the coming years, focusing on key segments where near- and mid-term advances can be made as more advanced Quantum Computing resources become available.
The Quantum Trifecta™
The concept of the Quantum Trifecta™ is key to all of the work at QCIC. The concept is the integration of three complementary methodologies: Human Insight, AI/ML, and Quantum Computing Backend. Maintaining the human-in-the-loop is needed to mitigate the risk of developing biased models and to improve algorithmic accountability and interpretability.
Human Insight
For strategic goal-setting and encoding heuristic knowledge.
For flexible data aggregation and model building.
Quantum Computer Backend
The “big brain” for mathematical computations that are impossible to perform otherwise.